distrACT Dorset HealthCare




Instant online help is now available for people in Dorset who are struggling to cope and may be contemplating suicide. a new NHS phone app which gives easy, quick and discreet access to proven coping strategies and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

The free app, which has been developed by doctors and mental health specialists, also signposts users to the wide range of support available locally.

The distrACT app, which has won a British Medical Journal award for ‘best digital innovation in healthcare’, has been successfully rolled out in Bristol. Now Dorset HealthCare has provided funding to help make it available locally. As well as coping strategies, the app offers practical self-help guides and a ‘chill zone’ with ideas on how to focus on more positive thoughts.

There is also information about local support for people in crisis – in person, online or via the 24/7 Connection helpline on 0300 123 5440.

Download the distrACT Dorset HealthCare App here