Integrated Respiratory Service





In October 2018 the PCN, Dorset Healthcare and Dorset County Hospital embarked on a joint piece of work to provide increased specialist respiratory input in West Dorset in order to provide care closer to home and improve health outcomes.

Through this programme of work, several new clinicians were recruited to West Dorset, including a respiratory specialist nurse, who supports existing practice teams in providing an Integrated Respiratory Service.


What Does the Integrated Respiratory Service Do?

  • Delivers joint clinics with practice nurses to improve training and deliver care to more complex patients within the PCN, avoiding the need for referral to hospital.
  • Supports the existing pulmonary rehabilitation service to provide local courses and encourage uptake.
  • Runs consultant-led multidisciplinary team meetings to offer education and discuss complex cases.
  • Enables early identification and diagnosis of patients with respiratory disease and increase the diagnostic rates for COPD through provision of a PCN respiratory diagnostic hub.
  • Provides self-management support from diagnosis through referring patients for health coaching and digital tools.
  • Ensures timely access to annual reviews for patients with a respiratory condition, ensuring they are more frequent in severe disease, and undertakes home reviews for housebound and care home residents
  • Ensures timely access to initial oxygen assessments
  • Ensures optimal flu and pneumonia immunisation and improved access to stop smoking services.
  • Works closely with pharmacists to improve appropriate prescribing, ensure most cost-effective use of inhalers and reinforces inhaler technique.